Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Being Unemployed Can Cause People

Being unemployed can cause people to lose their self-respectPopulation in Indonesia each year increases, also it is increasing the number of working-age, but it is not offset by the icrease in job vacancy. Large population of productive-age amount is not comparable with the extent job vacancy of unemployment, it also gave rise to social ills such as: robber, begger, pickpockets, vagrant, etc. Based on Psychological aspect, unemployment relative don’t have confidence in theirselves, it can be described on several examples : People who have a higher education but have not got a job, unemployment that caused by laid-off-employment (PHK), and people who don’t have any skills and low education. People who have a higher education but have not got a job, it because of some reasons: first they haven’t got a chance, second the job vacancy is not match with their education and the expertise that they had. It may not be a problem for a while but longer this causes Psychological insecurity for them, especially when dealing with friends who are already successful. Unemployment that caused by laid-off-employment (PHK) also trigger them to lose their self-respect. It causes Psychological burden that is shame because dischanged then they hard to get job again. It made them feel supressed by any condition. People who don’t have any skills and low education. This is a kind of people are relatively difficult to get a job either they want or deserve, it because they hard to adapt with the environment and lack of relation. In this case , skill and relation are important. From the examples above: People who have a higher education but have not got a job, Unemployment that caused by laid-off-employment (PHK), and People who don’t have any skills and low education, those are causes unemployment loses their self-respect. As you know that skills, education, relation and environment are the main capital in getting a job. Those not only who don’t have the skill or education as needed but also don’t have any relations or education will not have an opportunity to get a job. So, if we don’t want to be unemployment, from now on we should study hard, make a good relation as much as we can, and handle our emotion to avoid self-respect become our personality. Then, if we have been being unemployment, we should believe our skill, don’t ever give up with our condition, and learn from anyone or anything around us.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christianity- Sexual Ethics

Sexuality is important in the lives of all Christian adherents and it is for this reason that Christianity offers many explicit instructions on sexual intercourse and sexual behaviours, such as when, where and with whom sexual expression is permitted. Guidance for the expression of sexuality is sourced in the Christian sacred texts the New Testament and the Hebrew scriptures and differs throughout the various Christian denominations. Christians are essentially encouraged to enjoy sexual relations within the confines of a loving, adult, heterosexual and married relationship, any other sexual behaviour in considered sinful. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, they become one body† (Genesis 2:24) The Christian teachings on sexual ethics from Christian sacred texts teach adherents that there is strictly to be no adultery; â€Å"You shall not commit adultery† (Exodus 20:14). Each Christian denomination teaches that divorce is a sin, à ¢â‚¬Å"everyone who divorces his wife makes her commit adultery, whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery† (Mt 5:31-32). Likewise, each denomination is also opposed to remarriage, viewing it as betraying God’s wish; â€Å"whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery† (Mk 10:12).Each Christian denomination teaches that unfaithfulness is not permitted within the Christian Church and is a great sin against God, teaching Christians to ‘love your wife just as Jesus loved the church’ (Ephesians 5:31-2). Adultery in all forms is seen as an immoral sin from all denominations. The Christian teaching on premarital sexuality differs between Christian denominations. The Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches emphasise chastity as essential, stating that there should be no sexual activity outside or before marriage, however the both churches acknowledge human mistake and view chastity as a gradual process.Evangelistic Protestant Churches have a strict no sex before or outside marriage view, whilst mainline Protestant Churches state that marriage is the ideal location for sexual activity, however accept the individual’s own decision as to their sexual whereabouts. Homosexuality is rejected throughout all Christian denominations aside from mainline Protestant Churches, due to Biblical instruction of natural law; men and women were intended for each other in hopes for children; â€Å"Men, leaving natural use of woman, burned in their lust toward one another; men with men† (Romans 1:26-27).Mainline Protestant Churches accept the medical opinion and reasoning for homosexuality, viewing that people cannot help being homosexual, as it is something they are simply born into. Mainline Protestant Churches permit a loving, committed and faithful homosexual relationship. Contraception is another highly controversial matter throughout the Christian Church regarding sexual activity. All Christian denominations permi t contraception as a way of regulating the number of children and space between births, except for the Catholic Church.The Catholic Church has strict teachings that all unnatural forms of contraception are impermissible, based on natural law. Catholics view sex and fertility as a part of nature and view it as wrong to unnaturally prevent the conceiving and life of a new human being, and thus, even within a marriage, unnatural products such as condoms and the pill are not allowed. However, the Catholic Church does permit natural methods of birth control such as rhythm control and allows for unnatural contraception to be used to treat sexual medical conditions only.Each Christian denomination teaches that within a marriage, sexual intercourse should be participated in for a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle for a loving and committed couple; ‘two people become one flesh, so they are no longer two but one’ (Genesis 2:24). The Church teaches that sexual activity should always lead to new life and hopes for children, otherwise it is viewed as selfish; ‘be fruitful and increase in number’ (Genesis 1:28). Inside a marriage is seen by all denominations as the desirable place for sex where children can be raised. God created sexual intercourse to unite an individual with their partner in Holiness.

Monday, July 29, 2019

African religion and christianity Essay

Although Africa was not a plain or bear continent, Africans had their way of life, structure of government, religion, economic activities, education,systems of marriage and development plans for their societies, nevertheless the British brought their systems which conflicted with Africans established way of life, this was because the British, as many other European powers were economically depressed and Africa appeared to be the only way out.The British wanted to pass the three C’s; Commerce, that is to make money through acquisition of free labour form Africans, raw materials for their industries as industrial revolution back in Britain was rapidly taking place, market for their surplus production; Christianity to save Africans as alluded in the Gospel of Saint Mark 16 versus 5 Go ye to the entire world, baptizing all men in the name of Jesus.†Explorers such as David Livingstone, Vasco Da Gama, Portuguese Diego Cam and Arabs with Muslim faith had missionary zeal. The la st C is for Civilization, they wanted to civilize Africans in terms of education, culture and many other aspects I will bring out later in this essay. RELIGION Black`s Law Definition of religion; This is man`s relation to Divinity, reverence, worship, obedience, and submission to mandates and precepts of supernatural or superior beings. In a broad sense, it includes all forms of belief in the existence of superior beings exercising power over human beings by volition, imposing rules of conduct with future rewards and punishments. AFRICAN RELIGION Awolalu defines African religion as â€Å"†¦largely written in the people’s myth and folktales, in their songs and dances, in their liturgies and shrines and in their proverbs and pithy sayings. It is a religion whose historical founder is neither known nor worshipped; it is a religion that has no zeal for the membership drive, yet it offers persistent fascination for Africans, young and old.† The African traditional religion was not homogeneous as the communities had different ethnic background thus the religious practices such rituals varied one community to the other. It is worth noting that it was oral, not scripted or written and was passed from one generation to the other by word of mouth as I earlier alluded in the Awolalu definition of religion. Within their organized societal structures, Africans believed in supernatural beings together with ancestral spirits.The ancestral spirits were believed to link the living societal members to the gods. We all agree that one cannot talk about African religion without African values as they are intertwined and inseparable. African religion was embedded in moral values or codes or standards which were believed to originate from God through the ancestral spirits, these values when followed or observed one would be rewarded with maybe good harvest from their cultivation of land or increased number of a flock of cattle. When these values have violated the culprits were reprimanded, for instance, adultery was highly condemned therefore in case a member engaged in it he or she could be punished by God through the ancestral spirit. This punishment could be through the infliction of sickness to the culprit or barrenness. The concept of values is a vital point as one talks of the African religion. African religion is drawn from the African values. The African religion had some institutions which presided over religious functions, these institutions were believed to communicate directly to ancestral spirits (living dead) who in turn would communicate to the gods and grievances of the living societal members would be heard. In the Kenyan context, these institutions include Orkoyot of the Nandi, Oloibon of the Maasai, Seers, Diviners, and Rainmakers depending on the ethnic communities which they came from. These institutions apart from the veneration of the ancestors, they blessed warrior before going for war, advised the political leaders, offered sacrifice to god and conducted rituals for the culprits who violated moral values in the community. The gods had some specific names for instance, in Kenyan context, we had Enkai for the Maasai, Encore for the Abagusii, Mulungu for Akamba, Asis the Nandi, Ngai for the Agikuyu and Nyasaye for the Luo. There were specific worship places which were regarded as holy, this places included shrines, mountaintops some special trees such as mugumo, hills, and some caves. The diversity of the names given to gods and places of worship, show the lack of uniformity in the African Religion. This concludes that Africans were of different ethnic background and had their own religion, gods, and religion as a community. CHRISTIANITY This is a religion based on the life, teachings, and practices of the person of Jesus Christ. The origin of Christianity is drawn from a character, believed to be the Son of God. It is a religion more about the relationship between one and Jesus rather religious practices. A Christian, as the name suggests is a follower of Christ. The origin of Jesus of extra-ordinary or Supernatural happening as it is believed He was conceived by the power of Holy Spirit and born of a Virgin. This small description ascertains the definition of religion as I had earlier defined it. Christianity is practiced through reading the Bible and attendance of services for the Protestants and Mass for the Catholics. The religion is scripted or written in the Bible which is the reference for all who ascribe to Christianity. It contains all the rules guidelines, commands that Christians should observe their entire life. These guidelines govern human relationship to one another and their relationship to their God.there no diverse Christians as all of them draw their beliefs from Jesus Christ through reading and exercising their beliefs from the Bible.Christianity is a homogeneous religion or rather uniform. There are institutions such Priests, Bishops and Catholic Fathers who lead other Christians in worship. These people undergo theology training for them to undertake their duties. There are specific places of worship where Christians congregate. These places are Churches or Chapels. THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES. They mainly to spread Christianity and Commerce†¦Dr. David Livingstone, I go back to Africa to make an open pass for Christianity and Commerce.† The first encounter is dated from the 15th Century. The Portuguese Christianity introduction to Africans in the East African Coast. This, however, had very little success. By 19th Century Christian missionaries arrived in East Africa they included: 1.The Holy Ghost Fathers 2.The Church Missionary Society 3.The Methodist Fathers 4.The Mill Hill Fathers THE ENCOUNTER I) Source/origin of Religion The Africans believed that their religion was sourced from god, who they believed long before their ancestors’ existence. The British Missionaries conflict with Africans by telling them about the existence of a God who had a son and lived among us many years ago. The religion of British was written (Bible) thus one had to have the ability to read and write in order to understand it, whereas that of African was passed from generation to generation by oral tradition. There is an introduction of a new system of identifying the origin of religion which conflicts with the African system. II) Places of worship The Africans revered in special caves, Mountaintops, hills, Forests, Special trees (mugumo) and shrines. The British tell Africans that they should worship God places called Churches. This encounter shows that there is a bit of clashing as the African places were very clearly defined and preserved by the community members. The British also seized African land to construct churches or chapels, Africans, as a result, became very hostile as they had distinct worship places which occurred naturally. They believed that their land was for cultivation and a gift from their gods. III) The Practices of Religion The Africans practiced their religion by reverence to their ancestors, offering human and animal sacrifices and invoking the ancestral spirits. They offered sacrifices in order to get favors in terms of harvest. The African worship was communal that is, all community members used to convene to pray for rain and ask for the wellness of the community. The British religion had an aspect of confession of one`s sins before worship, repentance, and forgiveness of sin are granted. This aspect of forgiveness of sins lacks in the traditional African religion, one had to be punished for wrongdoing. British missionary religion brings out an aspect of offerings in terms of money and tithe which is ten percent of one`s total earnings. IV) Religious leaders In African religion, worship was led by Diviners, Rainmakers, and Seers who were considered righteous. The work of religious leaders was taught through apprecentiship and was hereditary from specific clans in the community. There were certain clans from whom diviners would descend. They were highly respected in the community. The British Christian religious leaders attend school to be trained mainly on theology. They study formalities of worship and nature of God. Any member of Christian family can become a religious leader although there are some myths which say one has to be ‘called’ by God. The Christian leader has to have the ability to read and write so as to pass the scriptures to his congregation. V) Uniformity of Religion As I handled earlier in this essay, the African traditional religion was diverse from one ethnic community to the other due to the linguistic differences, migration patterns and origin. Christianity is introduced as a homogeneous religion as the author of it is Jesus Christ, a common ancestry and reference point for all Christians. The diversity of worship is dismantled by the British introduction of this even religion. As I have pointed above there are distinct differences between Traditional African Religion and the British Christianity and how both systems fought to outdo the other. The African religion had deep roots in the society as it was passed orally through stories, myths, riddles and proverbs which were very appealing to the audience. These deep roots were however uprooted as change is inevitable in every circumstance. As an old adage, ‘one man’s meat is another man’s poison.’ The British struck the Africans struck back but were easily overpowered, and gave in. The British were gradually using religion as a tool to pass several other systems to the Africans. Education which traditionally was based on oral tradition was easily eliminated as most Africans wanted to quench their thirst for knowledge, for those who resisted religion soon began to embrace this Whiteman’s way of worship.

An Intriguing person George Bernard Shaw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Intriguing person George Bernard Shaw - Essay Example Shaw was asked by one person the reason for not decorating his house with cut flowers. In his reply Shaw stated that ,I do love children very much but I don’t cut their heads and keep them in my drawing room. What a great thinker? This shows the fact that he is extra – ordinary and indeed he loved nature from his heart. Even though Shaw was world renowned person in artistic and literature world, his humble nature and humanitarian attitude is what captivated my heart and soul He was a high thinking man but did not have a university education .He was self taught and had only local school education. He was born as a third child to a corn merchant called George Carr Shaw who was an alcholic.His parents had no money to spend on his education but still George with his intelligence brought about change in his personality and career. He was a world renowned playwrighter and his plays have a grand reptoire attached to it. He was acknowledged with the Nobel Prize in 1923 and that too after many struggling years as an artist. It is very interesting to note that he never accepted his prize money as he thought it was unworthy for him. This humility and humbleness in him have consistently influenced me in my daily life. It is extremely pleasing to notice how valuable and knowledgeable people like Shaw conducted their life with less pomp and luxury. He was an artist by heart and gave much respect and consideration to nature. The most praise worthy aspect of Shaw is that he was a vegetarian .This was an admiring quality in him that attracted me towards him. In the early times the European world was unaware of the spiritual side of being on vegetarian diet and the concept of non – violence. But even then Shaw was voluntarily a vegetarian loved all living beings as his fellow creatures. What an excellent and noble thinking! He is so elevated from his soul to consider all elements of nature precious and worthy of love. He was a lifelong pacifist, socialist an d vegetarian. He was an international icon in his waning years and whatever he said or did was considered with respect and awe by public. Every word delivered by him were considered with great respect and traveled through continents. He was regarded as a profound thinker with immense wisdom and morality. These golden qualities make him an exquisite personality in my eyes. He advocated that our dislike for a certain human being or a person does not give us the right to hurt them or injure them. I believe that every human being have a lot to learn from this noble man who is a genius and a brilliant humanitarian. He was a socialist and defended largely against landlordism, politics, militarism, prostitution, capitalism, hypocrisy and deceit Ironically till his thirty years of age he believed in atheism and judged the doctrines of Church absurd and menaingless.In 1890s, Shaw confessed that he believe n mystic theories and was a believer of cosmic power. This is another point which make him idealistic as I find I have the same values and beliefs .He was never a believer of idol worship and rituals but understood that loving and caring attitude towards living beings means a lot more than loving an unknown identity. He propagated that the life has a meaning and the cosmic power did not make us for nothing. We are supposed to attempt self sacrifice as we are bestowed with intelligence will and determination by the life giving force. The important concepts delivered by Shaw have to be understood and followed by young generation. We have a lot to learn and comprehend from this idealistic man. His thought needs to be pondered upon, analyzed and then practiced in life. Shaw ardently believed that God made us for a purpose and he wanted

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Has Technology Made Life Easier or Harder Essay

Has Technology Made Life Easier or Harder - Essay Example This paper will be committed to outlining how technology has made life easier from the perspective of a business executive, stay at home parent, and a high school student. To begin with, technology has made the life of a business executive easier through innovation. For a company to have a competitive edge in business, it has to be innovative. Necessity is the driving force for every organization since every business executive wants his business to be among the best. Technology has enhanced innovation since it provides business executives with a wide range of information that they can use to invent an idea. Innovation is a symbol of growth that pulls customers toward an organization and gratitude to technology; this has become easy for most business executives. It is through efficient innovation streaming from technology that business executives are able to maintain a competitive edge for their organizations (Business Technology Office 1-6). Additionally, technology has made the life of a business executive easier through effective marketing. Marketing is a business strategy used by an organization to make the consumers aware of its products and services. It is through marketing that consumers become aware of an organizations existence and become interested in its services. It is important that a business executive invests time and finances to upgrade its advertising strategies. Technology has made the marketing strategies of a business executive easier since an organization can subscribe online to a marketing agency. In addition, the business executive can open a blog site where he can post articles with key words and upon search by the consumers; they can access the organization products. Technology has made it cheaper to market since all a business executive need is access to the internet and a computer to use to post his articles. It is indeed evident that technology has made the marketing life of a business executive easier (Business Technology Office 1-6) . Technology has also made the life of a business executive easier through quick access to information. Knowledge is essential to a business executive since one has to keep abreast with recent information. Technology has made this possible enabling a business executive to have fast access to information via technological devices. This information is essential in planning and in implementing strategies to give the business executive a competitive edge. Information accessed through technological devices is credible and up to date and is from scholars who might not be accessed in local libraries. Easy access to credible relevant information with the help of technology has made the life of a business executive easier (Business Technology Office 1-6). Moreover, technology has made the life of a business executive easier by giving him higher revenues at minimum cost. This is achieved in a variety of diverse ways. To begin with, technology has made communication for the business executive cheaper, cutting on communication cost. Prior to technology the business executive had to either go personally to his business colleagues or send letters that may delay in arrival. With technology, the business executive just sends an electronic mail that is delivered immediately and urgent meetings can be convened with no difficulty. This reduction in communication costs translates to higher revenues since the business executive will in turn invest the saved cost in his business. The increased revenues which is the main goal as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History of asian immagration to the U.S Research Paper

History of asian immagration to the U.S - Research Paper Example An understanding of the history as well as the reasons for the rampant immigrations has been a major concern for all people in the world. Indeed, several contributing factors are evident (Fowler, 2007). The emigration policies that had been set in each of the Asian countries, and their relationship with the immigration policies at work in the United States has been a long term factor that contributing to the Asian immigration into the American countries. The second rationale en tails the linkage between the United States and the Asian countries in relation to economical, political, social, as well as military linkages. A third migration cause is the aspect of globalization, in the fact that the world has been modified recently to appear like a small city where people can move to and fro. This has also made the movement process easy, making the movement of the Asians into the United States year by year. ... The discussion in this paper provides in formation on the history and present day immigration of the Asians into the United States. It will also provide an overview of literature, which has been documented over the years concerning the immigration and the immigration policies. It is also deemed crucial to analyze an immigration case, for instance, the current movements to the United States and their relationships with immigration policies and laws. More over, a comprehensive discussion is important when provided to provide a wide scope overview of the Asian immigration to the United States issue as well as the impacts. Literature review A lot of literature has been documented regarding Asian immigration to the United States. The history of migration dates back to the inception of agrarian, industrialization, as well as globalization periods. Theorists have also been on their onset to propose rampant theories that explain emigration immigration issues. Major empirical studies have als o been conducted, providing distinct findings for the immigration studies (Fowler, 2007). History of the immigration The history of Asian immigration to the United States dates back in 1850’s. Different waves have been seen arrive the united states over the years, the first wave arriving in 1850 in the city of California. The reason for the referral inform of waves is conformity with immigration laws that have Marjory controlled the immigration trends. The first and the second waves having arrived in 1850 and 1882 respectively, laws were set regarding a stop of immigrants from Asia moving in to the United States. The 1970 again saw a restoration of the immigration laws that enabled other

Friday, July 26, 2019

Whity (1971) by Rainer Werner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Whity (1971) by Rainer Werner - Essay Example The movie remains fresh in the minds of the viewers long after his death in 1982. Until his death, Fassbinder had written a number of movies including Avant-garde, Katzelmacher, The American Soldier, Beware of a Holy Whore, World on a Wire, just to name but a few. It shows how talented the film writer was though he died at an early age of thirty-seven years. The stars in the movie include Ron Randell, Hanna Schygulla and Katrin Schaake (Itchload 29). The film begins in the midst of one of the key actors by the name Gunther Kaufmann who appears to lie on the ground holding something reddish in hands. At first sight, one may think he is dead. A song plays in the background, and from its words, the actor claims to require only five bullets to use to finish a family. A woman black in color follows chopping off the head of a fish. Whity is the main character in the movie. He belongs to the illegal family of Nicholson. All the family members are, in one way or the other, crazy people who w ear face makeup, which are grey in color (Itchload 29). Ron Randel, the father, is an extremely cruel one and convinces his wife that he may die so soon. His aim is to make her assume she is inheriting his husband’s property, which is not the case. ... This obsession carries the viewer up to the last part of the film. Fassbinder uses this shared obsession by all members of the family to develop the theme of the film (Pipolo 18). The contribution is represented by repeatedly stated episodes which dominate the plot of the story. The role played by each of the actors, their sexuality and the known economical relationships also help in plot development. In addition, the effects of fate in growing impacts of love the actors have in the movie make the viewer understand what the writer wants to put across (Mathews and Charles 5). This shows the society’s behavior in the whole context. These issues get even more complicated when the viewer realizes that Fassbinder’s lover plays Whity. To make matters even worse, Whity’s senior punishes him as the other members of the family watch. This is truly an embarrassing scene and shows how that community’s morality has deteriorated. As all these scenarios take place, Fass binder watches all the unfolding from his dictatorial chair. Pipolo reviews that the complicated relationship of Fassbinder and the other actors was also evident in the writer’s other movie, Beware of a Holy Whore (29). The same author also indicates that it was necessary to include Whity in Fassbinder’s other acted movie, Despair, equally celebrated by many viewers because of its creativity and complexity. The writer also demonstrates a number of customs that natives from different societies follow. As one of the most highly polished films that Fassbinder produced, Whity has quite a number of scenes that explain much about people’s behavior. As one watches the film, one will realize that there is a lot of flagellating, sexual low tones, prostitution and other fascinating styles,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assault Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assault - Essay Example 774). A sexual battery kit offers evidential value to prove that an assault has occurred; a medical professional can collect evidences of the assault through a head-to-toe exam. The examination takes into account the physical injuries of the victim and during the examination the physician can take the blood, urine, saliva, pubic hair combings, or nail samples so that they can be used as evidences in rape cases. However, it is imperative that the victim seeks sexual battery exam kit soon after the assault has taken place for better results. Another advantage of the sexual battery kit is that the victim can keep his/her rights intact and can ask for confidentiality if he/she wishes to do so. As such, the consent of the victim is a necessary prerequisite in the case of sexual assault examinations and the examination is often accompanied by follow up treatment whereby the victim gets alleviated of the mental and psychological trauma associated with the assault. There is no doubt that the sexual battery examination kit has been instrumental in bringing many of the perpetrators to the courts and the evidences obtained through the sexual assault examinations have been considered as valid evidences by the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assess the strengths of the UN Special Procedures mechanisms Essay

Assess the strengths of the UN Special Procedures mechanisms - Essay Example investigations and analysis are used to make recommendations for remedying and improving flaws in human rights protection and enforcement.3 Thus the Special Procedures facilitates a perpetual and vigilant supervision of international human rights and in doing so emphasizes the importance of human rights defence and protection. A number of strengths have been identified in the literature. The UN Special Procedures also calls for coordination and collaboration between the various organs of the UN and also between these organs and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In doing so, not only expertise, but the input of those who are in a position to observe and report on human rights protection progress and protection failures. This can usually include those whose human rights have been infringed or are jeopardized and the state in which those rights are compromised.4 Therefore, the Special Procedures of the UN’s mechanism is predicated on a process of human rights protection and promotion founded on the best available information. In addition to investigating and analyzing international human rights issues and ascertaining appropriate remedial action, the Special Procedures also monitors its own mechanisms.5 In this regard, the Special Procedures is a perpetually improving paradigm and always identifying how it can best achieve its goal of protecting and promoting international human rights. In other words, the Special Procedures mechanisms are not merely monitoring human rights, but it is also monitoring its own review and investigative mechanisms for optimal outcomes. This is enabled by the ad hoc nature of the Special Procedures. As an ad hoc system, the Special Procedures allows for changes to be made to its mechanism in response to changing conditions and circumstances. For example in 2011, the Human Rights Council reviewed its â€Å"work and functioning† and established â€Å"essential principles, such as the obligation of States to cooperate with special

Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations Essay

Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations - Essay Example Americans deserve more holidays and longer vacations than are being given to them currently. Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations The Americans deserve more breaks and longer vacations. It is because they work hard and thus need time to satisfy themselves as well. Americans really believe in the dictum of providing themselves more holidays and longer vacations because they have to come back smoothly towards their work domains and give their best concentration towards work ethos and realms. More holidays are required because the Americans work very hard and devote their own selves whole-heartedly towards their work ethos (Author Unknown, 2011). It is of paramount importance to know that they will be requiring more in terms of vacations because they have to refresh themselves. Americans deserve more in terms of their fun and frolic related activities as they help them to enjoy with their family and friends on different locations within America as well as the rest of the world (Monroe, 2010).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example The author notes that even when similar methods are applied, the use of dissimilar strategies for examining surgical material may lead to different outcomes for the same patient. The information submitted by the writer notes that in cases of determining histological curative effects in everyday medical practice, doctors have to illustrate the methods applied in their examination criteria. The author notes that histological methods for determining therapeutic reactions and strategies for assessment of surgical materials subsequent to neoadjuvant treatment must be harmonized in the near future. The author notes that cancer prevention involves all the actions taken for the purposes of lowering the likelihood of acquiring breast cancer. Through prevention, the author notes that mortalities caused by cancer are eventually minimized. The author explains the risk elements and the protective elements that are associated with breast cancer. He notes that preventing breast cancer begins with adopting a healthy eating habit. He notes that several studies reveal that lifestyle alterations have been recorded to reduce risks of acquiring breast cancer even in the women considered high risk. He argues that a number of steps associated with keeping the body active and healthy have reduced the risks of acquiring cancer. The author notes that breast cancer is the principal causing factor of cancer associated mortalities in women below the age of 40 years especially in the countries with the highest per-capita income in the world. The writer additionally reports that even though seen to improve gradually, the rates of survival for these women are much lower as compared to women who are older. Furthermore, he reports that the young women are prone to developing more aggressive strains of the cancerous cells.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Soil Erosion and Public Health in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

Soil Erosion and Public Health in Nigeria Essay Soil Erosion and Public Health in Nigeria Introduction            Soil erosion and environmental degradation are some of the mainly severe public health and environmental problems affecting or facing human kind /society. Statics show that, human beings obtain 99.7 percent of their food from the land and the rest is obtained aquatic bodies such as oceans and other water ecosystems. However, each year more than 10 million hectares of crop land are lost through soil erosion and in turn this reduces the cropland that is available for human kind to produce his food. This loss of cropland has turned to be a serious problem as according to the world health organization, more than 3.6 billion human beings are affected by malnourishment globally (Showers, 2005). Generally, soil is being lost from land areas 10 to 40 times faster than the rate of soil renewal imperiling future human food security and environmental quality. This paper critically examines the impact of soil erosion towards public health in developing countries specifically Nigeria (Showers, 2005). Soil erosion is one of the key environmental degradation problems in the developing world. Despite the enormous existence of literature on causes, and impacts of soil erosion a concrete understanding of this complex problem is lacking in the developing countries. The analysis discusses the negative impacts of soil erosion towards the public health care (Cornell University, 2006).            Loss of soil from the land surfaces through the process of soil erosion is spreading globally and negatively affects the production of almost all natural ecosystems as well as agricultural. Together with the escalating human population worldwide, soil erosion, energy and water availability, and loss of biodiversity are ranked as the prime environmental problems all over the world (Beinart, 2008). The change that is inflicted on the soil through human induced erosion over the years is significant and has in turn resulted in valuable land becoming unproductive and eventually it is abandoned. Soil erosion reduces soil quality and hence reducing soil productivity as well that of natural, agricultural and other elated ecosystems. Public health can be summarized as the art and science of avoiding disease as well prolonging and promoting life and health respectively. Soil erosion has been one of the major threats to public globally as its effects have threatened the healt h system in communities (African Development Foundation, 1994).            Public Healthcare in NigeriaThe country’s national government is and has been responsible for the provision of effective health care upon its people. The Nigerian government is the one responsible for providing adequate health care to its people. Health care provision in Nigeria is a simultaneous duty done by the three tiers of administration in the country (Vanlauwe et al, 2005). Its structure is such in a way that, the Federal governments role is limited to coordinating the dealings of the University Teaching Hospitals, Federal Medical Centers. On the other hand, the state management focuses its responsibility for managing various general hospitals, while the local government focuses on dispensaries. In addition, private providers of health care significantly contribute to health care delivery. Even though the spending on health in Nigeria has risen from Naira’s 12.48 million in 1970 to 120.98 million in 2010, health care structure remains ineffecti ve and plays a key role in the poverty status of the country. Over the last two decades, Nigerias public health care system has deteriorated in large partly because of a lack of resources and a brain drain† syndrome of Nigerian doctors as well as skilled health workers to other countries. This as well has been accelerated by the industrial processes which have seen the vast usage of the land, in addition to increased farming practices to cater for the food demand. This, however, has along with natural disasters such as soil erosion brought along a hitch in provision of effective public health care (Orisakwe et al, 2004). Soil erosion            This is a natural process that involves dislodgement and removal of soil particles from one place to the other. There are different factors that contribute to susceptibility of soil to erosion as well as the rate at which it occurs. There are different types of soil erosion such as water and wind erosion. In other terms, Soil erosion entails breaking down, detaching, transporting, and redistributing of soil constituents. This can be through numerous forces such as water, wind, or gravity. Globally soil erosion has been a thing of concern and interest, especially its impact on cropland. This is because of its impacts on crop productivity and soil quality as well as its off-site effects on water quality and quantity, air quality, and biological activity. Cropland includes cultivated and non-cultivated cropland.            Soil Erosion in NigeriaNigeria is one of the African countries with high population, which is around over 170 million people with more than 400 ethnic groups. More than 80 % of Nigeria’s population rely entirely on farming for their upkeep and economic gains. Since the early 20th century, soil erosion in Nigeria has been earmarked as a key problem in the country, not only a threat to the agricultural sector, but as well as a threat to the public health through the process of environmental degradation. One of the major negative points to note is that, the current rate of soil erosion is higher than the rate of production. This has in turn threatened the current practices in agriculture. The high rate of soil erosion suggests that, agricultural practices are unsustainable under prevailing geological conditions. The process of accepting and managing these processes has significant long term repercussion for cropland sustainability, natural resource state and he alth, not forgetting the environmental quality (Berkhout et al, 2011).            Soil erosion is a major problem which is confronting health and land resources in Nigeria. Previous researches in the country have indicated that, more than 70% of the country’s surface has been affected by different types of soil erosion and of different intensities. Despite the process being a natural process, human activities such as overgrazing and clearing of vegetation accelerates it. Degradation of land is the loss of topsoil and in turn reducing its productivity. Moreover, it leads to sedimentation of water bodies which increases suspended sediment concentration in streams, with consequent effects on ecosystem health (Iwegbue et al, 2012).            Fig. 1.0 Gully Erosion Site at Urualla Imo State, Nigeria (Agbenin, 2002)            Impact of soil erosion on public health in NigeriaOne of the major concerns about soil erosion in SA is the pollution effects caused by the soil erosion. Soil erosion has greatly led to the loss of vegetation, leaving the land bare. This leads to accumulation of dust in the air. This in turn impacts air quality in the country and mostly the greatly affected regions such as Camperdown and Greytown districts. Soil erosion has been one of the catalysts of the deforestation process in Nigeria. Deforestation is the loss of trees which are essential in the support of human activity as well as protecting the environment. Deforestation makes people’s life harder as it destroys the habitats of numerous creatures and contributes to desertification. Poor air quality poses a public health to the Nigerian community as it leads to asthmatic problems as well as other airborne diseases. In summary, soil erosion leads to an increase the amount of dust carried by wind. Does t his not only at as an air pollutant and an abrasive, but also carries along about more than 20 human infectious disease organisms such as tuberculosis and anthrax (Agbenin, 2002).            Soil erosion leads to numerous soil contamination which also impacts on human health. Over the time, there has been a significant pollutant in the air as well as water, which contributes to poor health among the citizens. Through the process of soil erosion, the pollutants in the air and on the earth’s surface are washed into the water bodies through soil erosion. Industrialization on the other hand, has resulted in soil pollution with heavy metals which have posed a health problem to the Nigerian communities. Some of the harmful elements washed into water bodies include mercury, lead, arsenic, fluoride, Asbestos, cadmium, benzene and hazardous pesticides which all of them are chemicals of public concern. These ‘heavy metals’ are frequently washed into water bodies and in turn contaminating the fresh water consumed by people in Nigeria. Metals such as arsenic are termed as carcinogenic as well as causing bone marrow and blood diseases when taken for a long period of time. Asbestos on the other hand causes lung carcinoma, liver and kidney damage. Many of these elements have negatively impacted the provision of effective public health services (Salami et al, 2003).            Mining has been one of the economic activities in Nigeria, however, this has not been for the benefit of the farming and environment protections as it had been a health risk to the community. When water erosion (which is the prominent agent of erosion in Nigeria) sweeps across the mining fields much of the minerals are swept into the water bodies. Some of the elements are toxic and a risk to human health. In addition, the gases released from the mining areas are carried as dust through wind erosion and in turn posing a health problem to the Nigerians especially the community living near the mining areas. For example, sulphur dioxide causes damage of the respiratory system. In addition, the sulphur compounds also affect visibility, reduction of sunlight, unpleasant smells, irritation and smarting in the eyes, nose and throat which is a health concern to the community around the mining areas (Salami et al, 2003).            Acidity in the soil and water bodies has been a public health to the Nigerian community. Soil erosion leads to the accumulation of solid waste in water bodies. This has become a serious environmental problem facing Nigeria. The consequence of these solid wastes is pollution of water, land and air not forgetting to mention is hazardous to women’s health as well as their social well being. With the increased urbanization in the country as well as high population, the amount of solid waste being generated has greatly increased. At the moment, virtually all the major cities in Nigeria are faced with the menace of solid waste management. The wastes are in one way or another swept into rivers and other water bodies. Due to their daily involvement with farming and house chores, women are exposed to numerous communicable diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, cholera, yaw; malaria, yellow fever, and relapsing fever that affect women are associated with improper dispos al of wastes (Oladapo et al, 2009).            Soil erosion has drastically reduced land productivity, especially the southern parts of Nigeria. In addition, soil erosion has also led to essential nutrient depletion as a form of land degradation. This has brought along severe economic impact in Nigeria. Reduced land production has severely affected food production in the country. The result of this is a shortage of food in the communities. Reduced food production in the community has increased the impact of drought to the residents. With reduced food production, the community cannot be able to sustain their people and in turn when the dry season comes along, the communities are largely hit by drought. Over the last 30 years, soil erosion in Nigeria has rendered more that 32% of arable land unproductive, this has in turn led to severe food shortage as well as food related diseases such as kwashiorkor among the children in Nigerian farming communities (Sotona Adesodun, 2014).            Soil erosion on the other hand has contributed to flooding occurs throughout Nigeria in three main forms which are urban, river and coastal flooding. For example, urban flooding such as the Ogunpa disaster which claimed over 200 lives and damaged property worth millions of Naira in Ibadan, are common occurrences. Flooding and accumulation of waste product has as well posed a public health concern to the Nigerians, especially the communities living along rivers and coastal lines. About 60 % of the soil that is swept away by the erosion process ends up in rivers, lakes and streams. This makes waterways more prone to flooding as well as contamination from soil, pesticides and fertilizers which are harmful to human health not only in Nigeria but also globally. Soil erosion is believed to have severe and adverse effect on the developing countries economic stability. Nigeria is termed as a developing country and it has suffered economically as a result of soil erosion. L arge sums of funds have been deployed in the fight against the menace and it’s especially the impact to the country’s health care system (Ehigiator Anyata, 2011).            The stubborn persistence of soil erosion in Nigeria as well as its threat to public health has raised numerous ethical questions recent times. Freeing humanity from health menace caused by soil erosion is a moral obligation that weighs on the Nigerian government more heavily as the capabilities and technology advance continues to be experienced. The world and Nigeria in particular, undoubtedly has the productive capacity to produce adequate quality health care and facilities not to mention their ability to control or prevent soil erosion and in turn eradicate health risks to the people. In recent years, rapid technology advances have led to better environmental management, however soil erosion management or prevention in Nigeria has not been fully achieved and in turn hindering good public health (Edosomwan, 2013).            The value of enhancing the well being of the Nigerians, today almost all the nations recognizes the need to enhance the well being of its people. While charity necessary might be necessary to respond to pressing issues in the community, it can not, however, provide for long-term solutions such as the case of soil erosion menace. Long term reversal of such cases can only be achieved through providing the Nigerians with skills, capital, employment, education and opportunities. In addition, for sustainable agriculture and rural development to flourish, as well as a valuable rural infrastructure must be in place as well as policy that will promote effective farming methods as well as soil erosion prevention measures (Adedipe, 1992). Measures to reduce negative effects of soil erosion in Nigeria            The Nigerian government together with World Health Organization has embarked on education, strategy for the farmers on how to improve their farming practices as well as how to prevent soil erosion in their farms. Effective farming practices within the communities are estimated to reduce the extent of soil erosion by 40 %. This would in turn reduce the amount of harmful elements being swept through soil erosion into water bodies. Moreover, farmers are encouraged to plant trees to reduce the desertification process as well as arrest the deforestation process. For example, the World Bank has financed the rehabilitation of land in Enugu, a region with massive gullies caused by erosion in order to prevent loss of life and property (Adeniyi, 1986).            The government has also embarked on landscaping and building of dykes in order to reduce the problem of flooding. The issue of uncontrolled floods from regions such as Osina and Akokwa has raised the concern of flood control. Residents of the Urualla community, for example, had themselves committed towards finding a lasting solution to the problem especially their financial contribution to the cost of the engineering design for the site and urged them to sustain the momentum. Through the arrest of soil erosion, the government has managed to somewhat control the menace of soil erosion and especially its negative effect to the health sector. The fight against the malaria epidemic in African countries has been a success which is one of diseases caused by flooding as a result of soil erosion. Lastly, the government and NGOs have embarked on educating the community members on healthy living such as ways to avoid water borne diseases. As well as providing adequate medica l attention when needed (Ananda Herath, 2003). Conclusions            Nigeria is subject to soil erosion, due to deprived farming practices, together with erodible soils. When considered across all land-use types, it is clear that soil degradation is perceived as more of a problem in Agulu-Nanka (Plate 1), Obioma, Nsuka, and less of a problem in Borno, Kaduna, Kano and Sokoto. This has in turn turned to be a massive public health menace to the community not only in Nigeria but globally as well. It is clear that the process of soil erosion has brought along complicated health problems. The measure has been implemented to reduce the menace of soil erosion and in turn minimize the negative impact on public health.            Despite the dedicated collaborative efforts of both the concerned parties such as the Nigerian government, NGOs, donor agencies provide an effective and efficient health care delivery in the county, confronting problems renders these efforts much less than desired. Some of the problems include poor farming practices, poor waste disposal, deforestation, which is believed to be a catalyst to soil erosion, re-emergence of HIV/AIDS pandemic, poor quality care as well as irrational appointments of health workers has not done the sector any good. Lack of information on prevention of soil erosion as well as the weight of these problems, is further compounded by insufficient budget allocation, lack of strategic plan and prepare for epidemics/pandemics. References Adedipe, N.O. 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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Internet Advertising: Comparison of Nigeria and Hungary

Internet Advertising: Comparison of Nigeria and Hungary Abstract Despite the marginal difference between Nigeria and Hungary, the internet develops a relationship that can be exploited. Internet users of both countries are dominated by youths, and thus are the most accessible to internet ads. Internet advertising also termed online advertising or internet marketing or web advertising is simply the making available of advertising messages and marketing communication through the internet via the web. Internet advertising which was introduced several years after traditional advertising (banners) in the 1990s now suppresses all other advertising medias and hence constitutes a significant channel for the majority of firms. These firms range from small to big sizes, national and multinational, service providing to manufacturing enterprises (Restaurants to ship manufacturing agencies). Internet advertising now shares a position in the context of marketing communication strategy planning and implementation. It is vital for organizations considering internet marketing strategy to effectively associate each component reason being that, with the global market place, it is important for entrepreneurs and marketers to be critical of what is most beneficial and meets their needs to the internet marketing strategy intended for use. Byusing the standard advertising program process as a base,it is simple to outline the characteristics of the Internet which abusiness must take into consideration when planning a Web advertisingcampaign (Kotler, 1997). Without trying to dispute earlier findings in this thesis, the work presented attempts in it own way to highlight some comparative ideas of internet advertising between Nigeria and Hungary thus stating the aims of this paper based on internet users social context on the effectiveness of internet advertisement. By using primary material from books and other sources, the idea of internet advertisement is identified. And by considering other publication, some conclusions are generated for the better understanding of this piece. By examining the topic of this thesis, its extensive nature is revealed. Three fields of study are mentioned and are dealt with accordingly -Marketing, information technology, and advertisement (internet advertising). As broad as each of these could be, the presentation is quite short and straight to the most essential. The study depicts the differences in the attitude of internet users to ads. The analysis obtained from input sources reveal a significant relationship between the type of activities of users through which they come into contact with internet ads in each of the two countries (Nigeria and Hungary). 1 Introduction 1.1 Background of Study The growth in Internet Advertising has paved its way and settles comfortably in the global world of business due to internet innovations. Further more its effects, impact and usefulness can be observed social aspect of human activities thereby creating greater opportunities for a more developed and diversified recreation. The Internet or World Wide Web has quickly become the most effective way for businesses to advertise their products or services to expected consumers. Some Web sites such sell advertisement space for sponsoring and by so doing they profit highly from the increase of advertising on the Internet. The number of people with internet access and internet services is growing continuously at a geometric rate and with internet advertisement potential customers can view these advertisements thereby contributing to the maximum level of business profits. Recent studies on internet advertising focus more on empirical works as well as theoretical structures there by investigating the role of some factors in the success of internet advertising, none the less it is necessary to present some significant measures employed in this thesis to quantify advertising effectiveness. According to Pavlou and Steward (2000), advertisement has a direct effect to consumers and therefore considered as an independent variable while consumer response is the dependent variable. They further explain the nature of the highly interactive environments taking into account other factors such as online context in which advertisement takes place in order to render this study more insightful. Incorporated here are many aspects of internet advertisement context as types of internet activities and users social context in the study of responses to internet advertisement. Internet advertising is rapidly growing and advertisements have become more apparent in our Internet usage. When advertising on the Internet, both the businesses and the web sites (search engines) profits. Businesses profit from the use of internet advertising by minimizing cost compared to standard advertising which is a lot more expensive. Internet advertising raises awareness, conveys advertisers messages and enhances brand perceptions and with greater advertisement exposure inflicts even greater impact. Responds to this advertisement differs considerably by different individual in different Geographical locations and cultural background. An AdHoc study conducted by Gemius in cooperation with Sanoma Budapest proves that most Internet users in Hungary have a positive attitude towards online advertising. Moreover it shows what their behavior is like in response to online advertising and the perceived image of the advertised companies. The respondents were also evaluating different formats of advertisements in the survey, indicating the ones that they know best and the favorite ones. The research was conducted on the Internet in the form of a pop-up survey (random sampling) on May 2006. 67% of the respondents declared that they accept online advertisements as the price for free access to web sites. (International Operations Department, Press release June 30, 2006) Internet usage in Nigeria is an important issue with the average student using 10.5 hours per week and the total population averaging 3.5 hours per week. Internet usage in Nigeria has consistently grown to 11million internet users as of June 2009 according to the International Communication Union (ITU) report. Various types of broadband bring the internet to our door steps such as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ASDL), Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL), cable broadband, wireless, satellite, Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) etc With the accession of the internet, came an easier method of communication, transmission of information to the public and hence the rise of the internet advertisement. Advertising on the Internet can be viewed as a social contract between advertisers and Internet users. Every individual comes across advertising through multiple channels; either outdoor: through fliers, bill boards etc or indoor: through the internet, A reason why todays market is highly dominated by advertising. Based on the fact that we live in a globalized world, advertising is recognized in every country in its own structure with respect to its culture, consumer demand or requirements. 1.2 Aims and objectives This thesis outlines and compares how internet users in Nigeria and Hungary respond to internet advertisements with focus on the technical aspects, social networking and simple basic adverts in websites. In addition I am searching for various answers and perceptions of what people from these different countries think about these adverts and the effect it has on them in a cultural perspective considering the fact that both cultures are not only socially different but economical and educational as well. In the first part of this study, I am researching how technical aspects, such as social networking and website adverts in Nigeria and Hungary. It is followed by an evaluation of how Nigerians and Hungarians respond to internet in the second part. The third part focuses on a research for: the changes the internet brings in Nigeria and Hungary for example is the internet improving industries such as the banking sector or being an important educational tool for students? Is it the centre of attention for businesses? Finally, the fourth part is the conclusion drawn based on the findings of the aforementioned research. 2 Literature review Under the literature review, I will be considering a thorough review of the already existing literature on the subject of internet advertising which is highly important for the continual understanding of the sections in this thesis. Picking the pieces and fitting them together I will build a concrete piece on the above mentioned topic starting with defining the parts that make up our topic, considering the social and technical aspect of the internet, advertising and last but not the least marketing. 2.1 The internet The birth of the internet did not come as a surprise, may be to the common man in the streets but definitely not for the scientist who had been expecting something new, fresh, cheap and friendlier. It emerged in the early 1960s as a way for the US department of defense to create a secure means of communication in case of uncertainties. It evolved from Advance Research Agency (ARPA) in 1969 to ARPANET for the civilian sector and MILNET (military network) â€Å"(Jeffrey F. Rayport et al. 2001)†. In the 1980s ARPANET was renamed National science Foundation Network (NSFNET). The progress of this development proceeded in 1989 with the creation of a more efficient way of sharing information by defining the Hypermedia Protocol (HTTP- Hypertext Transfer Protocol) which is the standard addressing format URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the programming language HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) which has become the basis of World Wide Web (WWW) which is universal and the most used part of the internet to access multimedia e.g. text documents, graphics, videos etc â€Å"(Jeffrey F. Rayport et al. 2001)†. In 1993, a team led by Marc Anderson developed a new piece of software called â€Å"Mosaic† as the first internet browser after which other browsers were introduced, like internet explorer by Microsoft which became the most prominent â€Å"(Jeffrey F. Rayport et al. 2001)†. After these developments, todays internet has not only brought technology but also affects the way things are done world wide. It is continuously changing to the extent that it has taken almost all diversification and stems all changes in world business, revolutionarising the way business is done, the concepts between business and consumers. 2.2 Overview of the general background of advertising Advertising is a collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific products or services. It is a form of mass selling, employed when the use of direct, person-to-person selling is impractical, impossible, or simply inefficient. Advertising techniques range in complexity from the publishing of simple notices in the classified-advertising columns of newspapers to integrated marketing communications, involving the concerted use of advertising in newspapers, magazines, television, and radio, and on the internet which is our main focus. Advertising dates back to the Christian era. Advertisements transited from the outdoor signs as paintings on wall of buildings that were very sight captivating to company trade marks which were two or three dimensional picture or signs in the 16th centuries. Around the 1880s, there came Mail orders and pamphlets and in late19th century, many American firms began to market packaged goods under brandnames. Previously consumers had not been aware of or influenced by brand names. The first product that had brand name was soap products. In the 1880s a fewbrands came out and they were Ivory, Pears, Sapolio, Colgate, Kirks AmericanFamily and Packers. Not long after brands such as Royal baking powder, Quakeroats, Bakers chocolate, Hires root beer, regal shoes, etc were nationally advertised. 2.2.1 Stages of advertisement The major goal of advertising is to generate awareness of a business and its products. Once the business reputation is established and its products are positioned within the market, the amount of resources used for advertising will decrease as the consumer develops a kind of loyalty to the product. Targeting the audience, product concept, communication media, and advertising message are the core elements of an advertising strategy, and are often referred to as the creative mix. Again, what most advertisers stress from the beginning is clear planning and flexibility. And key to these aims is creativity, and the ability to adapt to new market trends. Target consumer is a complex combination of persons. It includes the person who ultimately buys the product, as well as those who decide what product will be bought (but dont physically buy it), and those who influence product purchases, such as children, spouse, and friends. In order to identify the target consumer, the following should be considered; Demographics(Age, gender, job, income, ethnicity, and hobbies.), Behaviors (awareness of the business and its competition, the type of vendors and services the consumer uses, and the types of appeals that are likely to convince the consumer to give the advertisers product or service a chance.), Needs and Desires (determine consumer needs in practical and self-image terms.) The product concept grows out of the guidelines established in the positioning statement. How the product is positioned within the market will dictate the kind of values the product represents, and thus how the target consumer will receive that product. Therefore, it is important to remember that no product is just itself, but, as Courtland L. Bovee and William F. Arens stated in Contemporary Advertising, a bundle of values that the consumer needs to be able to identify with. Whether couched in presentations that emphasize sex, humor, romance, science, masculinity, or femininity, the consumer must be able to believe in the products representation. The communication media is the means by which the advertising message is transmitted to the consumer. In addition to marketing objectives and budgetary restraints, the characteristics of the target consumer need to be considered as an advertiser decides what media to use. Advertisers can choose from the following media categories such as Print, Video, World Wide Web, Direct mail, outdoor advertising-Billboards, advertisements on public transportation (cabs, buses). After deciding on the medium that is 1) financially in reach and 2) most likely to reach the target audience, an advertiser needs to schedule the broadcasting of that advertising. The media schedule, as defined by Hills, is the combination of specific times (for example, by day, week, and month) when advertisements are inserted into media vehicles and delivered to target audiences. An advertising message is guided by the advertising or copy platform, which is a combination of the marketing objectives, copy, art, and production values. This combination is best realized after the target consumer has been analyzed, the product concept has been established, and the media and vehicles have been chosen. At this point, the advertising message can be directed at a very concrete audience to achieve very specific goals. Hiam and Schewe listed three major areas that an advertiser should consider when endeavoring to develop an effective advertising platform: the unique features of the products, how consumers will evaluate the product, rank of competitors in the eyes of the consumer, their weaknesses in their positions and their strengths. Copy: When composing advertising copy, it is crucial to remember that the primary aim is to communicate information about the business and its products and services. Many companies utilize a theme or a slogan as the center piece of such efforts, emphasizing major attributes of the businesss products or services in the process. But as Hiam and Schewe caution, while something must be used to animate the theme †¦care must be taken not to lose the underlying message in the pursuit of memorable advertising. Art work and layout: Small business owners also need to consider the visual rhetoric of the advertisement, which simply means that the entire advertisement, including blank space, should have meaning and logic. Most industry experts recommend that advertisers use short paragraphs, lists, and catchy illustrations and graphics to break up and supplement the text and make the document both visually inviting and easy to understand. Remember, an advertisement has to capture the readers attention quickly. 2.2.2 Internet advertising Internet advertising is a message delivered to people by placing adverts on Search engines, Social networking websites such as Facebook, e-mails, pop ups etc. These adverts can be seen by the whole world and are not limited to a geographical region. In this same respect, adverts are meant for the mass and there are many users of internet worldwide so the message gets spread widely and quickly thereby reaching people of different cultures and beliefs. Some of the people might be uninterested because the signs or symbols used violate their cultures. E-mails are also sent to people who are either not interested or are not located geographically in areas accessible to the products. 2.2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of internet ads The most common item that determines advantages of a product or service lies in its cost. Internet advertising packages could be available at very low costs (10 dollars per monthly subscription). Trouble free relativity could also be a great advantage internet advertisement has over other media ads, to the user and the producer, all which is needed is first of all a PC then internet service, through which you can either design a site or survey advert sites. It is could also be noticed that with internet advertisement, when advertisers get to know the age group, taste, and sex of consumers who most frequently survey their ads, site owners could easily and quickly update their pages to current consumer needs compared to other media ads which could do so only periodically. Market presentation is also easy with internet ad, product or service is designed for the younger generation or the corporate world are easily viewed by this class of persons as they make the greater proportion of int ernet users and the greatest proportion of consumers. Though a multiple advantages make internet advertisement favorable, some disadvantages could still be noticed. Internet advertisement is made better with professional help and these additional costs make some ads more expensive than others. It is disadvantageous to use only the internet as advertising medium because there are a hand full of persons who can not gain access to this new technology or they just dont have the trust in these internet ads. 2.3 Broad band connections in Hungary and Nigeria Broadband connection is a new concept used, in place of dial up connections. Broadband internet connection is faster and offers a host of advantages in them. The speed is usually faster than a dial up connection, which facilitates many operations at a time in for example watching many online live shows and movie downloads etc. There are various types of broadband offered nowadays. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ASDL), Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL), cable, wireless, satellite, Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) etc are some common types. Hungarys internet providers provide their services using a number of broadband which include DSL, Cable broadband, ADSL2+ and Wireless broadband. The broad band is distributed through multiple distribution channels namely; UPC, T-Kabel, Fibernet and DIGI. Hungarys broadband market experiences strong growth, Cable broadband is widely available due to the network penetration of the countrys cable operators. The broadband market as a whole experiences a significant growth as the regulators have reduced access tariffs and have introduced a wholesale system based on retail tariffs to ensure suitable margin for alternative operators. Digital cable services have been launched by a handful of the smaller cable operators and the countrys Direct To Home (DTH) market is showing fresh signs of life. The Internet access sector in Hungary constitutes the total revenues generated by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from the provision of narrowband and broadband Internet connections through both consumer and corporate channels. Similar to Hungary, Nigeria uses ADSL, cable and wireless broadband services which are rapidly replacing the formal dial up access method. Market penetration is still low leaving room for necessary growth. Nigerians connect to the internet in many ways through Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) links, Wireless microwave links internet access and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) access. Many of these sessions are through internet cafes as very few Nigerians have their own personal computers. Mobile operators are strongly gaining growth by providing Nigerians to access the internet through mobile devices. Such service providers are; MTN, Celtel, and Glo Mobile providing internet, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS and HSDPA all across the nation. 2.4 Technical aspects of internet usage in Nigeria and Hungary Internet usage is regarded with direct reflection of the total countrys population. This would be termed the percentage rate of penetration which relates to the number of internet users per square feet of the population. Public cyber cafe of various shades and sizes are the most common method of access individuals have to the internet. In addition to that, there are internet service providers delivering direct access to individuals and businesses on a variety of platforms. There is widespread availability in urban centres, and fairly good availability in smaller towns most recently, mobile phone lines such as MTN, Celtel, and Glo Mobile provide internet, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS and HSDPA all across the nation, it is almost amazing to find internet access in some of the most remote locations in the country. According to an issue in trade invest Nigeria onBroadband in Nigeria: The revolution is coming by Jaco Maritzs; posted on Sunday, March 16th 2008, Nigerians connect to the internet in many ways but 53% of connections are made through Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) links. Wireless microwave links account for 19% of internet access and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) access are estimated to be only 14%. Many of these sessions are through internet cafes as very few Nigerians have their own personal computers. National Bureau of Statistics figures show that in 2006 less than 10% of internet users had access from the workplace and less than 4% from the home. Only 1.3% of the population own personal computers. Nigerian internet users are aged between 11 and 40 with a greater part of this population being students, business persons, and to a lower extent, the public functions giving a 7.4 % total internet population penetration. (See appendix Diagram N2) In Hungary, other than the traditional activities of the internet (emailing, browsing, reading journals online), a greater extent of Internet users use it for the leisure function of the web, job search and application, internet purchases, watching or listening to news, entertainment purposes as well. Users in Hungary vary between the ages of 10 and 69 summing a total of 34.9% internet rate of penetration. 55% of these users use the online voice transmission in communication and chatting, at least 33 percent have tried to watch television via the internet. The number of people using internet at home increases considerably, from 23% in 2007 to 28% in 2008 and 41% in 2009. Having access to the internet does not necessarily imply using it as of the 46% of home owners 10 % of them do not use it at all. (See appendix Diagram H3) 2.5 Marketing in Hungary and Nigeria Advertising is in respect to marketing, that is; people advertise to make known their products and hence gain marketing ground; therefore a vivid understanding of marketing is necessary. Customer satisfaction, as a construct, has been fundamental to marketing for over three decades and every advertisement tries to comply with this logic. As far back as 1960s, satisfying the needs and desires of the consumer stands as the definition of marketing â€Å"Keith 1960†. Interest in customer satisfaction increased through out the years till date. Several studies have shown that it costs about five times to gain a new customer as it does to keep an existing customer and these results into more interest in customer relationships (Naumann, 1995). Companies now have big investment in database marketing, relationship management and customer planning to move closer to their customers â€Å"Hill and Alexander (2000)†. These definitions demonstrate that increasing customer satisfaction affects companies directly, increases their market shares which lead to improved profits, positive recommendation, lower marketing expenditures and greatly impacts company corporate image and hence enhances their survival. The relevance of these definitions to this study indicates that customers access the internet services based on experience of use and rating is done in accordance with the internet services attributes. In this study, customer satisfaction in the Nigerian and Hungarian markets will be evaluated based on customers usage and their reaction to internet advertisements, experience of network quality, billing, validity period and customer care support. By Marketing Penetration we imply where a company expands market share in an existing market byusing existing products which could be done in 4 main ways. 1. Persuade existing customers to buy more of the same product, thiscan be done buy promotions such as 3 for 2. This make the customerfeel as if they are getting more for their money, and hopefullycould stop them from switching to alternative brands. 2. Attracting new customers to products. This can be done buyimproving the image of the product, new packaging, reducing price,or buy giving a % extra free. 3. Poaching customers from competitors. Buy reducing price, givingfreebies, and a % extra free with the product. Doing this couldincrease your market share and reduce your competitors. 4. Withdrawing other products. Buy withdrawing less profitableproducts, similar products can become more profitable, and sellmore. Marketing through internet advertising targets all already existing consumers and expected consumers both to cultivate lasting customer relationships. The internet provides a new and cheap channel for marketing through advertising. Once in the internet any customer is able to see an advert posted and many are willing to place orders via the internet by sending emails directly to the web host. According to Armstrong et al (2005), the internet is an excellent channel for communication with customers on individual basis because of its immediate and direct interaction capability. From companys point of view, a companycan enter the cyber marketing world without theintervention of any intermediaries simply by buying into the technology itself and by turning the medium into amarketing research as well as an advertising medium, interactive media also operates in territories not covered by a vendorssales force, therefore reaching the showroom and the sales pitch to the buyersremote locations simply by dropping it in the post. It can be agreed that internet marketing improves brand image of a company or products or both, hence it is a revenue earner, reliability of the country is very important for the success of internet marketing. Companies necessarily focus their internet marketing based on the gender difference and so make more money though Consumers remain uncertain. Internet marketing can be used successfully whether it is industrial products or consumer products. It is undisputable that online support is an important factor to make internet marketing a success. Companies and consumers agree that more user friendly, better key word matches would drive the future search engine marketing. 2.6 Pricing factor in internet advertising Prising in internet advertisement is a subject which can not be under minded as it involves the reason for advertising (both the advertiser and the consumer) each product or service advertised carries a different parameters depending on the desires of the individual consumer who finally decides on his/her preferences. After this determining factor of attribute parameter of product, the price becomes a relevant factor. Price is a parameter of buyers decision that can not be overlooked, further more, when a characteristic is considered more important than price in making a purchase decision, then its value is considered to be a requirement for purchase, but if the intended characteristic is considered less important than price, then acceptable range can be seen as preference rather than requirement (Joan Morris and Paul P. Maglio, 2001) Therefore, price is a general determinant for especially price sensitive consumers. Internet advertisers have different pricing techniques to attract new buyers and at the same time maintain already existing consumers which is based on consumer characteristic and the dynamically nature of demand and supply. Some of such frequently used pricing techniques are: Dynamic pricing As the term indicates, it is the dynamic adjustment of prices to consumers depending on the value attributed to product or service by these same consumers. By making provisions for affordable prices for certain products, this system instigates optimal results for consumers and hence enhances maximum sales to those selling. With internet marketing, there exists an evident shift from fixed pricing to dynamic pricing with greater competition existing against the formal and still existing traditional marketing system. Price differentiation It is a process whereby the same product of different units is sold at different prices to different consumers. With price differentiation, prices differ with the number of units sold. This could involve group pricing, discount pricing etc. With price differentiation, companies decrease the suitability of their products and services by customising their offers to the requirements of specific customers or market segment. This provides the customer with an advantage to purchase the said product or service. Using these pricing techniques enables the consumer to purchase a product by stating his or her own price, considering the suitability of the product in question. The right price in the market can not be easily determined, prices are competitive and this directly influences price sensitive consumers who have the tendency to fall for the most appreciated prices during their purchases. The best price in internet market does not only consider the price established by the producer or seller but also that requested by the buyer or consumer. Internet marketing offers the opportunity for companies to test prices, segment customers and adjust to change in supply and demand (Efraim Turban et Al. 2006) to consumers these pricing techniques are advantageous in the sense that consumers have the opportunity to find unique items and collectibles, consumers remain unanimous, internet market creates a bargaining atmosphere enabling the consumer to opt for the most affordable price, it is more convenient as consumer is not obliged to change location to execute a purchase and for the producers, they gain more customers by offering more items directly, it enhances maximum sales which is a fundamental base of every business, it improves customer relationship and customer loyalty to already existing customers. 2.7 Factors influencing intern

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Computer System: Concepts, Functions and Types

Computer System: Concepts, Functions and Types Before getting into the detail, it is essential to understand the concept of Computer System. Computer System is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operation can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problems. In this assignment I will work on the following four different phases. Each phase will cover the related content in detail. In the first part we will understand the function of computer system. In this part, I will discuss the role of computer system in different environments. Hardware, software and peripheral components of a computer system. Comparing different types of computer system. The second learning outcome is be able to design computer system in this I will produce a system design specification to meet the clients need. Then I will evaluate the suitability of a system design specification. Third learning outcome is be able to build and configure computer system. I this will build and configure a computer system to meet a design specification, then it will be test and document a computer system. Fourth learning outcome is be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer system. In this I will discuss performing routine maintenance tasks on a computer system and upgrade the hardware and software on a computer system. In this assignment, each issue process would be discussed in detail to understand the basic concept. LEARNING OUTCOME # 01 THE ROLE OF COMPUTER SYSTEM IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMETS In this modern day computer system is used everywhere, example at Home, Business, Networking, Real-time, Communication. At home the computer is used for normal works like for searching information on internet, playing games and etc, for that we dont require a high speed computer. In business computer plays a big role, all business there is a finance department, the main activities of the finance department is to record all the business transaction, to control the finance cash flow and etc , for that the need a computer. The Networking is all about computers, For Networking computer is important. Without computer, Networking is impossible and we cannot share resources (i.e. files, videos, sounds, pictures, etc) and communication between two or more people will not be possible. For Networking we need at least 2 computers. We use computer system in Real-time. Real-time is a process in which people can communicate without any deadline. We can share our videos and etc. Sometimes people use computer as a TV. We can access to live information from a television station through a computer. Real-time can also refer to event simulated by a computer at same speed that they would occur in real life. Communication is now done worldwide using computer system. Today most of the computers are capable of communication, like we can send a message, documents, picture and etc to our friend on the other side of the planet. An instant messenger program allows two different computers to converse by typing in text or they can even voice chat with each other. THE HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND PERIPHERALS COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM HARDWARE: Hardware consists of physical equipments of the computer. The components Hardware are power supply, motherboard, expansion Cards, hard disk and etc. A power supply unit converts alternating current electric power to low-voltage DC power for internal components of the computer. Motherboard is the main component inside the CPU. it is a large rectangular board with integrated circuitry that connects the other parts of the computer including the CPU, the RAM, the disk drive and etc. Expansion card in computing is a printed circuit board that can be inserted into an expansion slot of a computer motherboard or backplane to add functionality to a computer system via the expansion bus. Hard disk is a device for storing and retrieving digital information, primarily computer data. It consists of one or more rigid rapidly rotating discs, coated with magnetic material and with magnetic heads arranged to write data to the surfaces and read it from them. SOFTWARE: Software is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instruction for telling a computer what to do and how do it. There are 3 types of software: System software, Programming software and Application software. System software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware to provide basic functionality and provide platform for running application software. Programming software include tools in the form of programs or applications that software developers use to create, debug, maintain or otherwise support other programs and application. Application software is developed to perform in any task that benefit from computation. It is a set of programs that allows the computer to perform a specific data processing job for the user. PERIPHERAL: Peripheral is a device connected to a host computer, but not part of it, and is more or less dependent on the host. These are input/output devices. Peripherals are: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Speaker and etc. Keyboard is an input device, which is use to input data by typing. Mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Monitor is an electronic visual display for computers. The monitor comprises the display device, circuitry, and an enclosure. Speakers are external to a computer that disables the lower fidelity built-in-speaker. They often have a low-power internal amplifier. DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS A computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. There are different types of computer system: Personal computer, Workstation, Minicomputer, Mainframe and Supercomputer. Personal computer: A personal computer can be defined as a small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user. Workstation: It is a type of computer used for engineering applications, desktop publishing, software development, and other types of application that require a moderate amount of computing power and relatively high quality graphic capabilities. Minicomputer: It is a mid size computer. In general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from up to 200 users simultaneously. Mainframe: Mainframe computers are powerful computers used primarily by corporate and governmental organizations for critical applications, bulk data processing such as census. In some ways, mainframes are more power than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. Supercomputer: Supercomputer is a board term for one of the fastest computer currently available. Supercomputers are employed for specialized application that requires immense amounts of mathematical calculations. LEARNING OUTCOME # 02 2.1 A SYSETM DESIGN SPECIFICATION TO MEET A CLIENTS NEEDS Kalba College needs new computer for their college. I went to the college n as per my serve I have made a list that how many computers are required for the college. So I have found out that they need total of 180 computers from which 100 will be for computer lab, 15 will be for male staff room, 15 will be for female staff room and 50 computers will be for graphic designing class. The requirements of the college is that they need more memory capacity to store the work, they want the computers to be fast so that no work is delayed and they need high graphics in the computers so they can for graphic designing. The problem with the current computers running is that the computers dont have enough memory capacity, the speed is very slow and they are not suitable for graphic designing. 2.2 EVALUATE THE SUITABILITY OF A SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION The computers we have design for the college is HP. The computers we have design are highly upgraded as the requirements of the college. The computers are made with more memory capacity then the before computers so every work is stored properly. In these computers the speed is also increased by installed more GB ram so that every work is done faster. The graphic card which we have installed, which have made the computers better in graphic designing. We also installed a cooling system in every computer so that it stay cool and dont have any problem even if it is used for hours and we also made the backing up option more easier in every computer so there will be no problem in backing up. We also made the security high so that any information is not leaked out and we have installed antivirus in every computer. We are also giving free maintenance for 8 years; if any problem is there with any computer we will fix it or replace the computer. We will compare different computers so u will have a better idea that HP Is better than other computers. HP ACER DELL IBM Hard Disk Drive 2TB 7200 rpm SATA hard disk drive 1TB hard disk drive 1.5TB hard disk drive 1TB hard disk drive Memory 10GB DDR3 Processor Graphic card LEARNING OUTCOME #03 3.1 BUILD AND CONFIGURE A COMPUTER SYSTEM TO MEET A DESIGN SPECIFICATION The steps in configuring a computer system are System installation System configuration System testing System installation: Our case has a slide-out tray, first we have to lay the case on its side. Then screw in the spacer mounts for fixing the motherboard. Insert the CPU socket to do this, raise the small lever at the side of the socket. Then place the processor, all the pins should slide smoothly into the socket. Once the processor in placed lock the lever back down. Dont forget to use thermal paste. Apply the thermal paste to the top of the CPU. This will help to transfer heat from the processor to the cooler. Make sure that the cooler is in the correct position. Clips fix cooler to the socket. Installing the RAM. The RAM must be suitable for the motherboard. Line up the RAM with its slot before installing it. Then, carefully press the module into the slot. Caution is recommended, as too much pressure may damage certain tracks on the motherboard. It is best to push one side down first. Then comes the installation of graphic card, nowadays graphic card are usually fitted in the AGP slot provided specifically for this purpose. The slot are located in the center of the motherboard Before fitting an expansion card, remove the appropriate slot insert from the back panel of the case. After that install the hard drive before that always leave some space above to prevent heat buildup. Then install the CD-ROM drive, it is similar to installing a hard drive, first check that the jumper configuration is correct and then install the CD-ROM in the case, but careful not to over-tighten the screws as excess pressure can damage it. Now its time to connect the cables. The 80-pin ribbon cable is for the hard disk and the 34-pin is for the floppy. Then connect the power supply cables. At last check that all connections are properly, once you have checked then you can start your PC. We will also install all the peripheral which are required for the college. System configuration: First configure Basic input Output System (BIOS) e.g.: clock settings, memory timing, boot order and drive setting. We have done the BIOS setting for all the computers so that there are no problems with the computers. We have installed an anti-virus to protect the computers for any unexpected viruses and we will update the anti-virus whenever updates are available. We have done everything as per your college requirements, we have set the files and folders sharing permission and we have done all the setting for the peripheral devices. 3.2 TEST AND DOCUMENT A COMPUTER SYSTEM System testing: We will test the system to find any fault in it, will check the Power On Self Test (POST) after that we will check the hardware e.g.: input/output devices, peripheral devices and then we will test the software to check if its working properly. LEARNING OUTCOME #04 4.1 PERFORM ROUTINE MANITENANCE TASKS ON A COMPUTER SYSTEM There are two types of Maintenance: Software Maintenance Hardware Maintenance Software Maintenance: We will upgrade the software if any update is available. We will update scheduling maintenance tasks, we will also do clean-up, back-up and we will do maintain other third party utility software e.g.: compression utilities, spyware removal. If there is any software error we will fix it with in 1 day and we will do a monthly maintenance for all the computers. Hardware Maintenance: Upgrade the hardware like installing and configure new peripherals e.g.: printers, scanners and etc. Installing additional or replacement devices e.g.: hard drive, memory, graphic, sound, optical media. We will monthly do the cleaning of the hardware.